We look for tough guys and gals: men and women who know how to handle this difficult work and work well within a team. Mutual understanding is fundamentalto all relationships within our dynamic and successful team!
Simply put: we are looking for the best! This not only means driving skills and experience but also personal culture.
Most companies employ only experienced drivers. This can add tremendous difficulty to starting a professional career in this well-paid profession. We think and act differently, providing entry level or continuing education programs for veteran and new staff alike. We are happy to support those just beginning professional careers by sharing our knowledge and experience.
Fleet information
MCS-150 Mileage (2023): 22,000,000 miles- Reported on
Total drivers
Operation classifications
Auth. For Hire
Cargo Carried
General freight
Household goods
Machinery, large objects
Fresh produce
US mail
Commodities dry bulk
Refrigerated food
Paper products
Operating area
This map highlights states where the company is likely driving, based on truck inspection data from the FMCSA.