An in-depth conversation about the future of trucking jobs, technology, and how Lanefinder is empowering drivers to take control of their careers.
Discover how Lanefinder Connect's AI Agents can streamline your job search or hiring process with personalized assistance and seamless collaboration.
Learn how to stay ahead in the trucking industry with the latest tips, trends, and technologies. Discover strategies to enhance your career and keep up with industry changes.
Discover the excitement and positive reactions from drivers who experienced Lanefinder Connect at the Florida Trucking Show. Learn how our AI-powered job assistant is set to revolutionize job searching in the trucking industry.
Discover how Lanefinder Connect's AI-powered platform is transforming CDL driver recruitment by matching pre-screened, qualified drivers with carriers, reducing time-to-hire, and improving retention.
Watch our CEO demonstrate how Lanefinder Connect revolutionizes trucking job searches by matching drivers with the right carriers in minutes. Discover how this innovative platform simplifies the job search process and offers career growth opportunities.
Streamlining Truck Driver Recruitment: Introducing Advanced Reporting Features and DOT Compliant applications
One of the biggest challenges in hiring drivers is the initial connection after drivers have applied. Lanefinder is thrilled to unveil two groundbreaking features that promise to redefine the recruitment process: Call Forwarding Features and Automatic Call Notes.
How can you tell a good opportunity from a bad one? Since there are so many job ads out there, and so many opportunities, it is only wise that you do your due diligence and stay smart about which jobs you pursue, and which ones you ignore.
Lanefinder has rebuilt its Applicant Tracking System to provide faster, more reliable hiring results with minimal effort. The new Lanefinder CoPilot ensures optimal job ad visibility while the improved application overview and hiring stages streamline your recruiting process. Stay ahead with better communication, faster hiring, and an enhanced driver experience.
This comprehensive guide will answer all of your questions, as well as inform you of everything you need to know before you apply for your CDL.
On Lanefinder, we treat the safety and security of your contact information data seriously. That’s why we've created a system that protects your privacy while you're searching for your next CDL job.
As a CDL holder, possessing a winning skill-set goes far beyond just being able to operate a vehicle. It's essential to have a solid foundation of soft skills as well –i.e. personal attributes that improve your ability to interact with others, manage stress, and make informed decisions on the road.
The Safer Highways and Increased Performance for Interstate Trucking (SHIP IT) Act is a bipartisan bill which aims to help the trucking industry with its toughest issues including the shortage of drivers and limited parking for trucks. The bill is currently in the committee stage of the House of Representatives and has a long way to go before it could be implemented. Here is the quick rundown on what the bill aims to accomplish.
Demand is returning to trucking, and freight volume is on the up and up. Read on for the rundown and find out why the next few months are looking good.
Trucking job ads are not always known for being honest and truthful. Find out how to get the job you were promised.
The Supreme Court just refused to hear the appeal on AB5, but how will this affect the trucking industry?
Many drivers think they can skip going OTR and settle into a high paying local job right away, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Understanding a recruiter’s role and being able to communicate with them is essential when starting your trucking career. Knowing which questions to ask and how to make the most of your time on the phone will help you choose the right company.
Setting realistic goals and expectations before going into trucking is essential if you want a long and healthy career.
A happy trucker is one that’s chosen this career because they love something about it that doesn’t *just* relate to their paycheck. A love for big American trucks, the open road, the act of driving, seeing the country, the feeling of being part of a strong and silent culture – these are some things that come to mind.
The nostalgia of CB Radio is difficult to avoid in the trucking industry. It evokes the feeling of the so-called “Golden Age of Trucking” – where the highways were ruled by trucking cowboys who had no regulations and ruled the open road.
If you’re getting into a career as challenging as trucking, why not push yourself to make the money that’s worth the sacrifice?
Do you think the image of the American trucker has declined over the years? Industry changes, media representations, regulations, and other factors have played their part in shaping an image of a truck driver as slothful, dirty, rude, and straight up nasty. This shouldn’t be the case. I believe there’s lots that can be done to improve this image and restore a brighter image of the American trucker. Let’s get into a bit of pop history to get a better idea of how to challenge these harmful stereotypes going forward.
The recent years have revealed just how fragile the global supply chain is. Backlogged ports, massive bottlenecks, and overloaded fulfillment centers are putting tremendous pressure on truck drivers. Drivers are feeling the pressure to deliver faster, drive longer, and do it all cheaper than ever before. This is a pivotal time for trucking - and what happens now will determine the future of how much truck drivers get paid, how they’re treated, and how often they get home. Finding a solution that will empower drivers and repair the industry is more important now than it’s ever been.
Tax season is coming, and so is the chance to make back some of your money! If you’re an owner operator or a 1099 contract driver, you need to be familiar with all of your deductible costs. You may know most of these already, but a few of these might surprise you.
It’s no surprise that people are expressing concerns about how lenient driver training standards have gotten – After all, mistakes on the road frequently lead to the death of others.
Are you planning to get your CDL-B, CDL-A, or Hazmat Endorsement in 2022? The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) regulations are set to change on February 7th – Here’s what you need to know.
Ever had to deliver a load through a snowstorm in the northeast? Ever been asked to make your way through flooded roads in Texas, or through wildfires on the west coast?
Congress passed the Infrastructure and Jobs Act to bolster the nation’s infrastructure and stay competitive in the coming decade and beyond. This infrastructure bill is unique and is described as a “once-in-a-generation” event that finally addresses the long overdue need for infrastructure development. The Act includes more than $1 trillion in transportation spending from 2022 to 2031.
For how difficult and challenging it is, there’s much to love about trucking - and a whole lot that makes the profession unique. Here are just a few of the things that make trucking a lifestyle like no other.
Trucking fleets need to take a strategic approach to combat the driver shortage and recruit and retain more efficiently. One such solution would be to lower the driving age and allow a previously untapped segment of the population to get behind the wheel and fill trucks.
Why is it that the lack of parking has become such a big problem, and why are companies doing little to help drivers out? Let’s find out.
If laid out, the containers on the ships off the coast of California would stretch from California to Chicago - roughly 1,864 miles.
The driver shortage is one of the major contributing factors to the backed up freight at California’s ports. Being an issue that directly relates to the trucking community, the backlog has sparked much debate and discussion - and unfortunately, some outrage.
Here’s how you can take advantage of Lanefinder’s filters to narrow down your search from 2,308 jobs to just 8 relevant and matching CDL jobs.
Many drivers are unaware of what is expected of them in their first year of trucking. As a result, many get disillusioned and give up on the profession altogether. The truth is that trucking is a career that will make you earn your keep before it showers you with rewards. Read on to see if sticking it out is worth it.
Many new drivers go into trucking because they think it’ll be an easy way to earn big money without much investment, training, and commitment. That’s not the case. Before you dive head first into your career, you need to make sure your expectations align with the reality of the industry.
Becoming a truck driver is a leap of faith. You won’t know if you truly have what it takes for a long and fruitful career in the industry unless you give it a go. However, there are some telltale signs that suggest you have what it takes to be an extraordinary truck driver.
Lanefinder is launching a new content platform aimed at inspiring and empowering truck drivers to excel in their careers. Expect videos, interviews, and articles offering career roadmaps, job insights, and community stories to help you navigate the industry with confidence. Join us as we build a resource that entertains, informs, and helps drivers achieve their dreams.