N W White & Co. provides professional transportation services for a wide array of projects ranging from residential construction to commercial site development and heavy highway contractors. We take pride in contributing to our community with a high standard of workmanship, completing our work safely and efficiently.
We foster a culture of trust, integrity, respect, and a passion for excellence amongst its team members. We believe in encouraging a positive balance between work and home life, so we strive to ensure you are home each afternoon. We value our employees’ financial security, health, and safety and are committed to preserving the stability of these aspects for each individual.
Fleet information
MCS-150 Mileage (2023): 15,740,000 miles- Reported on
Total drivers
Operation classifications
Auth. For Hire
Cargo Carried
Operating area
This map highlights states where the company is likely driving, based on truck inspection data from the FMCSA.