Taking a name from the beloved hometown Fulton Railroaders baseball team, Railroader Trucking, LLC was established as a family-owned trucking company offering many specialized freight solutions. We operate our trucks from coast to coast.
Fleet information
MCS-150 Mileage (2022): 2,501,621 miles- Reported on
Total drivers
Truck brands
International, Peterbilt
Late model trucks
Operation classifications
Auth. For Hire, Private (Property)
Cargo Carried
General freight
Metal: sheets, coils, rolls
Building materials
Types of Trucks & Trailers
Dry Van
Box Delivery
Flatbed trailer
Straight Flatbed
Dump trailer
Hopper Bottom
Tanker trailer
Dump Truck
Ready Mixer
Operating area
This map highlights states where the company is likely driving, based on truck inspection data from the FMCSA.