TRCC Transport, Inc. is your ultimate provider for direct freight transportation, serving 48 states, Ontario and Quebec provinces with decades of experience in the transportation industry and expertise in logistics management. One of the most unique aspects of our business is our ideal combination of dedicated service and reliability. TRCC Transport works not only to help our customers have a fast, easy process delivery backed by excellent professionals, but also to nurture a relationship with them.
Fleet information
MCS-150 Mileage (2024): 2,680,958 miles- Reported on
Total drivers
Truck brands
Late model trucks
Operation classifications
Auth. For Hire
Cargo Carried
General freight
Metal: sheets, coils, rolls
Logs, poles, beams, lumber
Building materials
Machinery, large objects
Fresh produce
Intermodal cont.
Commodities dry bulk
Refrigerated food
Paper products
Operating area
This map highlights states where the company is likely driving, based on truck inspection data from the FMCSA.