
  • FMCSA Authority status Active since
  • Carrier operationInterstate
Since its inception in 1924, Tulpehocken Spring Water has come directly from a natural spring in Gratz, Pennsylvania. Tulpehocken realizes that people "cannot get spring water out of a filter." We start our bottling process with water that is naturally pure and therefore tastes wonderfully natural instead of artificial and processed. Other companies rely on filters, additives, and purifiers to achieve a "spring-like" taste.
Fleet information
MCS-150 Mileage (2022): 563,780 miles - Reported on
Total drivers
Truck brands
Late model trucks
Operation classifications
Private (Property)
Cargo Carried

No cargo information available.

Operating area
This map highlights states where the company is likely driving, based on truck inspection data from the FMCSA.
Operating area