- Dry van
- Company Driver (W2)
- No Driver Load/Unload
- 2 days off for every 5 days worked
Hiring Requirements
- Class A license without any of the following restrictions: (E) No Manual, (L,Z) Air Brakes, (G) Night Driving, (O) No Semi Trailer or (K) Intrastate Only
- 12 months Tractor Trailer experience
- No more than 1 moving violation in the last year
- No more than 1 moving violation in the last 3 years
- No accidents in the last year
- Max 1 accident in the last 3 years
Pay & Miles
- $1,250 - $1,800 total weekly
- 3,000 - 3,500 miles per week
Home Time
- 2 days off for every 5 days worked
- 5 expected days out
- You can stay out longer if you want to
- Home at least one weekend per month
Freight Handling
- 50% drop and hook
- 50% live load / unload
Carrier and Truck Information
- Fleet size: 15 trucks
- Semi-trucks are governed at 70 mph
- Mostly manual semi-trucks
Additional Information
- Can take truck home
Pet and Rider Policy
- Pets are allowed
- Riders are allowed
Operating area
![Terminal pin](https://www.lanefinder.com/cdn-cgi/image/w=14,h=22,q=80/images/map/terminal-pin.png)
Terminal or Office Location
Operating Area